Wednesday, June 20, 2012

500 Days of Summer

The last few weeks have been wonderful. The kids are on vacation and I feel the stress of school has melted away. A couple of weekends ago we went to a party with all of the dogs from the kennel where Miranda was born. Yes, that's my life. I get to play with cute kids and puppies AND live in Italy in the meantime.

The next weekend we went to a picnic near Lugano, Switzerland, which is less than a 2 hour drive from Bergamo. We walked up to Alpe di Brusino and ate delicious food prepared by Monica and her friends.

I also met some Americans in Bergamo who were studying abroad from the University of Missouri, and the last Saturday they were in Bergamo they set up a soccer match. Wish I had dressed for the occasion!

This last weekend was particularly amazing. I had two friends visiting Bergamo so I set up an aperitivo at a local bar. Aperitivo (pre-dinner drink) is one of those amazing Italian concepts that probably would never work in the states. You simply pay for one drink (usually €5) and then you get to eat from the buffet. Of course the quality and price of the buffet varies from place to place, the best being in Milan (€8+).
The next morning we got up early to head to Como, where we had planned a 2 day (30km) hike from Como to Bellagio. We started later than we'd hoped, but still had an incredible walk through the mountains of Como, overlooking the beautiful lakes. The weather was perfect, except at night when the temperature dropped and 1 sleeping bag and small blanket were not enough! We heard dogs barking viciously, and the bells of donkeys walking around had us on our toes... We hardly got any sleep. But the sight of stars away from city lights made it all worthwhile.

Now I'm back in Bergamo with sore legs and shoulders... But eagerly awaiting the next trek!

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