Friday, January 20, 2012

Before Sunset

Yesterday was my first time driving in Italy. Thankfully, we borrowed Michail's car which has an automatic transmission. The first thing I noticed were that the lanes were so much more narrow than in the states. I wasn't sure about some of the rules... In Italy you can't turn right after stopping at a red light, you must wait for it to turn green. Other than that, the lines in the road seem to be more of a suggestion than anything else, as I saw people freely gliding in between two lanes, as if the lines weren't there. Also, in Bergamo there are so many roundabouts, I had to get used to yielding and putting myself in the correct lane for my next turn. It was a little hectic. But, we got home safely!

Today the kids went to their horse riding lessons. This was the beautiful view on the way there!


  1. Did you ever think you'd watch an Italian sunset?!? And Be careful on the road! I knew the streets were narrow but thought the notion of mini cars and mopeds gliding as they please over lanes was a myth, now I know it isn't! funny about that no right turn on red though, i'm seeing that at some corners in the valley. Ciao-Danny A.

  2. Hey Mel- I wanted to tell you a couple things about driving, since I just finished the course. You must always signal OUT of the roundabout but not when you are going in, and the cars inside ALWAYS have the right of way....Headlights 30 min before sunset/after sunrise and in out for mopeds, I am sure you know they are asses, already! out for speed traps...they are really good at putting cameras in trees, garbage cans, even in parked cars! We can give you a copy of the manual if you want to really be aware. See you soon! ~ Julie
